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Chloé Fuller cert.CAN


Personalised Pet Nutrition

Online Nutrition Consultancy


Ethics & Ethos

I'm a firm believer that we're all trying to do our best, you wouldn't be reading this page if you weren't. I hold a no-judgment policy, whereby you will never be shamed for what you feed your dog. I do not believe in rhetoric that suggests that one feeding method makes you a better owner than another. I will not impart a particular method of feeding onto you, we will work with whatever is best for you and your dog. 


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the foundation of optimal health & behaviour for your dog

the missing puzzle piece for unexplained issues. 

Itchy Skin



Stealing Items

Ear Issues

Joint Pain


Destructive Behaviour

Sloppy Stools


Dull, Dry & Flaky Coat

Anal Gland Issues

all of these can be caused by your dog's food

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we can help with that.


diet overhaul

The hassle-free way to find the best diet on the market for your dog. We'll find your dog the best food, treats & supplements on the market, all fitting your desired budget.

Hover to read more.


thrive package

Individually formulated home-cooked or raw diet recipes for your dog, complete to nutritional guidelines. Providing you absolute assurance your dog is getting all they need to maximise their health.

Hover to read more.


clinical diet plan

Clinically formulated recipes, designed to suit your dog's individual needs and nourish their health nutritionally. We'll work alongside your vet to give your dog the best chance at recovery.

Hover to read more.

Not sure which of our services to book?
Book a free 15 minute call to find the best avenue for your dog.

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when life gives you lemons...

My fascination with nutrition was cemented when my own digestive system failed, and I required tube feeding. Seeing the impact that malnutrition had not only on my physical health but also my mental health too, completely changed my perspective on how we approach food. My curiosity was well and truly piqued, spurring me to take a deeper look at our pet's diet and how we could enrich their lives by nourishing body & mind.

Hi, I'm Chloé

and my passion is helping you get the best out of your dog's nutrition.



From a young age I've been fascinated by dog food, buying a chest freezer at 14 so I could make my own dog food, inspired by my childhood dog Stella who went from a slowing 10-year-old to a spritely pup who made almost 17 - in better health than the decade prior!

that was my story, now it's time for theirs.




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Luna's Story

Chloé was an absolute lifesaver when my dog was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease. She helped me navigate finding a diet to keep my dog symptom free for as long as possible. Towards the end, when my dog

lost her appetite, Chloé formulated a home-cooked diet plan for her which was both manageable and

affordable, whilst still meeting all the nutritional requirements for her conditions. Chloé adjusted

the plan for us when needed and made a distressing situation so much more bearable.

Jess G.

Hampshire, UK


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